I've been wanting to start this thing called a blog for a couple months now. My biggest hurtle was finding a name for it...because you can't just start one and then rename it later.. and of course everyone else has the names you come up with.
I was so desparate I even enlisted the help of my sister and her bf! Well, that was last week..
So I finally told myself to stop thinking about it. To not do what I did on a college research paper where I was so focused on trying to write the intro, that the paper was done so last minute, the printer was still rolling when I turned it in.
So I did.
Allow me to introduce myself, I am now Unique & Quirky!
Of course you're wondering (not that anyone is reading this) why was it such a huge deal that I come up with the perfect name? Well, I wanted something that would describe myself, of course. But the real problem is that I wanted something I could take with me, something that would be able to stand on it's own. You see, I hope to one day to stop 'fartin' around and open my very own Etsy shop.
I know-What?
Yep, I want to have my own shop online, hell, maybe one day even a real one...
so What's in a name? Well...contentment.. :0)
(And I've only been on here for 3 hours making the page...lol)