Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Hi everyone (no one...lol)
Its been years since I've been on this blog. Life, lack of want to write, and the busyness of other crap in my life.
So life is crazy...but we all knew that.
But in the last week or so, I've had the want to get back to writing. Probably, because I have something to write about...

Short story: Husband and I have been dealing with infertility for 7+ years. We tried on our own for about 1 year. Then found a better GYN who listened to me. Went through 1 IUI with her after multiple clomid cycles. Referred over to Dr. Storment at Fertility Answers. Went through 3 IUI's with him. Got pregnant on #2, but miscarried at 4 weeks (we think). We found out at the 7 week ultra sound that there wasn't a heart beat. The thought is that it just stopped growing at around 4 weeks due to chromosome issues.
Then discovered I had stage 4 Endometriosis 3 weeks later...when I had to have emergency surgery to remove 2 ovarian cysts that had grown and taken a hold of my colon... Yeah, that was so much fun...
Couple months later, had to have a scheduled laparoscopy to remove a few more. That was last February... We tried IUI #3 that summer, no luck. (2017)
August: made the decision to try IVF in October. No luck, but it was because I didn't respond to the meds, so we stopped before we got farther than a week in. Which was easier to deal with than a nope.

So this Jan/Feb. we started again and were able to retrieve 4 eggs.
ONE made it to the bast stage on day 5.
We had already decided to do a frozen transfer because we wanted to have this ray of hope checked by a genetics lab. Got the all clear from them and on April 10th we did the transfer. Next step: Pregnancy test on April 20. Those 10 days were tough waiting to find out if we were or not, but we are....! Then waiting for 4 days later to see if it is growing... Man, was day 3 rough. I was so mad at everything-I know now that I was preparing myself for bad news. But it did. It went from beta of 130 to 882. Which is great, since we needed to be near 500 range...

But now I wait for 2 more weeks to see if we have a heart beat. I've been busy, but my other stuff has died down, which is good. It gives me more time to catch up and finalize some documents and notes for the next person.... but I still have to wait...and wait...

And that was the short version...
Now that the world is all caught up on my personal life... I can move forward with my thoughts........
