Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I'm so bad at this, I tried for a while. I really did. And then life happened...
What you ask? I have no idea! I think it was a combination of holidays, the part time job I no longer have-yay, and just the normal small stuff. I mean its May next week-and I'm not sure how I got here. I have photos to post, and print...
I was on top of the world in January, what happened? I haven't even decorated at all for any holidays-I just feel so behind on all of it. I get a couple days to catch up and what do i do? I blow it.. I have lazy days or just a complete lack of energy.. I can tell you right now, I'm not pregnant. And, I'm okay with that. I think God knows that too. He knows that I'm just overwhelmed I guess. We are now remodeling the master bathroom, finally. Or, well, trying to. I've got over a thousand dollars of supplies just sitting in my living room waiting to be used. But we are getting there. It only took a year to get motivated to do it...
Now its 11:30 at night and i need to go to bed so i can get up early for the Lafayette guild tomorrow. Have lots to do-Hope I'm sleeping soon. blah, blah, blah..
hoping to catch up soon. At least I got something done each day of off-ness. I mowed today and cleaned-we're getting company this weekend, so I had to. Kid frienly too!
Ok, going to bed. Night world..