Friday, January 18, 2013


Gee, 2013 already?
I am committed to remembering this year and not overloading myself like last year. I honestly do not remember Feb and March of last year. Really not sure what happened to them either.
I think I really love January though. Not the cold weather mind you, but the new beginning and re-birth. I guess Christmas is over, and for me that means the stress has passed and I have about 3 months until the next birthday in our collective families.
I also dis-involved myself from a lot of committees that I was involved in from last year. Man, I had major burnout in December. Some of it was the parties and functions, plus the annual Auction from the quilt guild. But, I think I'd just got involved in too many things. I loved them all and I think that was the hard part. Now, honestly? I probably could have continued with some of them. Alright, all of them. It wasn't the work. Hell, most didn't really have any. I think it was the meetings. There are only so many days in the month and when there is one the first Wednesday, first Thursday, second Thursday, Last Thursday. Plus tennis almost every Monday and then we practice on Wednesdays as well. I also had something that started in the fall that was mostly on Thursdays as well. Well, it just gets too much!
It sounds like I'm whining. Yeah, I guess I am. But with all the groups above, I never really created girlfriends with it. Yes, some became friends. But not girlfriends. I also was still trying to do my own projects in that time as well. In addition to this thing and then there's just plain life and housework/chores. Throw in one major renovation along with still no shed and small kitchen projects. whew.

For the year 2013, I'm not calling them resolutions, but Goals.
There are the standards that I've been carrying around for a while.
(No, I'm not talking about loosing weight and to stop cracking my knuckles-although those are true as well.)
I'm talking about taking Horse riding lessons and learning how to handle a weapon. (don't want one, just like to know how to use one) and a few others.
But for this year, the important ones fit on a sticky note:

Wake up Earlier
Focus on Home projects
Focus on My projects
Be a better person
Be a better wife, daughter, and sister.

Yep, that's it. I still have all 4 groups that I belong to, but I come first.
Now, that first one-[Wake up earlier]-it would probably solve most of my other problems. Of course, that means going to bed earlier. I'm getting there. It's been cold
If I get up earlier, I have more daylight, I have more time to do things, I wake up refreshed and want to do those things.
Anyway, that's what I had to say for now. Hope to post more before I loose February this year...